Vegetable Stuffed Bread Recipe

Vegetable Stuffed Bread Recipe


1 loaf of homemade bread

1 sweet potato

1 carrot

1 red pepper

1 onion

1 eggplant

1 zucchini

2 cloves of garlic

200 g of mozzarella cheese

50 ml of olive oil

Pepper to taste

Salt to taste



Prepare the bread by removing the crumb and cutting the top of the crust into a lid shape.


To prepare this recipe, we must have the zucchini, sweet potato, carrot and eggplant already cooked. Then add all these ingredients to a heated pan with olive oil, chopped onion, chopped garlic, a pinch of salt and a pinch of baharat (optional, it is a spice mix widely used in the Middle East). Turn off the heat, add the grated mozzarella and mix once more.


Then fill the bread with the vegetable mixture and drizzle a little olive oil over the bread and filling. Cover with grated mozzarella cheese, place everything on a baking tray in a preheated oven at 200 degrees and let it brown for a few minutes.


When the mozzarella cheese is melted and golden brown, remove from the oven, sprinkle with pepper and serve the bread on a wooden board with the bread lid on the side. 
