Vegetable Pancakes Recipe

Vegetable Pancakes Recipe


1 small can of canned sweetcorn

2 eggs

3 tablespoons of cornstarch

1 cube of Knorr Vegetable Stock (10 g)

1 grated carrot

1/4 of grated red cabbage

q.s. coconut oil

q.s. chopped fresh parsley

q.s. Greek yogurt

q.s. sweet chili sauce

Preparation Method

Mash the corn and the Knorr Vegetable Stock cube in a food processor.

Place in a bowl and add the eggs, flour and mix with a mixer.

Add the grated carrot, courgette and red cabbage. Mix until you get a thick paste.

Fry spoonfuls in a little coconut oil.

Serve with yogurt and sweet chili sauce. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. 
