Colorful salad with shrimp Recipe

Colorful salad with shrimp Recipe


150g grated carrot

150g grated white cabbage

150g grated red cabbage

150g natural Continente yogurt

1 tsp ground cumin

fleur de sel to taste

black pepper to taste

lemon juice to taste

250g Madagascar shrimp meat

2 cloves of garlic

2 tbsp olive oil

chili to taste (optional)



Place the carrot, white cabbage and red cabbage in a bowl.


In a bowl, add the yogurt and season with cumin, fleur de sel, black pepper and lemon juice and mix well. Mix the yogurt sauce into the carrot and cabbage mixture and store in the refrigerator.


Defrost and dry the shrimp with kitchen paper. Make a shallow cut on the top and remove the intestines.


In a frying pan, place the chopped garlic cloves and olive oil and heat until the garlic crackles, but do not let it burn.


Add the shrimp and a few drops of chili and cook until the shrimp gain color, for about 3 minutes.


Add lemon juice and mix. Serve the salad cold with the freshly cooked shrimp. 
