Fig Tart (easy recipe)

 Fig Tart (easy recipe)


13 figs (on average)

Sable dough

Almond cream:

2 eggs

65 g brown sugar

65 g butter (softened)

125 g ground almonds


Step 1 - Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the base of the base of the base in a round (and greased) pan. Make holes with a fork.

Step 2 - Almond cream: in a bowl, mix the eggs and sugar.

Step 3 - Add the softened butter and ground almonds. Mix again. Pour/pour this mixture over the base of the base of the base.

Step 4 - Distribute the figs (cut into 4 pieces) over the almond cream.

Step 5 - Bake for 40 minutes at 180°C.

Step 6 - It's ready!!
