Codfish Rice Recipe 😊

Codfish Rice Recipe


500g of desalted and shredded codfish

2 cups of rice

1 large chopped onion

4 cloves of minced garlic

1 chopped red bell pepper

2 chopped ripe tomatoes (skinless and seedless)

1 bay leaf

4 tablespoons of olive oil

1 liter of fish or vegetable stock (or water)

1 teaspoon of paprika (or saffron to add color)

Black olives to taste

Chopped parsley and cilantro to finish

Salt and black pepper to taste

Lemon wedges to serve (optional)


Preparing the Codfish:

If the codfish is still salty, desalt it overnight, changing the water several times. After desalting, boil it quickly to soften it. Shred the cod into large pieces, removing the bones and set aside.

SautΓ©ing the Base:

In a large pan, heat the olive oil and sautΓ© the onion until translucent. Add the garlic and sautΓ© until golden. Add the bell pepper and tomato and stir until soft.

Adding the Rice:

Add the rice to the sautΓ©ed mixture and stir for a few minutes, until it absorbs the flavors. Add the paprika (or saffron) to give the dish a nice color.


Add the fish or vegetable stock (or water) and the bay leaf. Adjust the salt and black pepper. Let the rice cook over medium heat until it begins to become soft.

Adding the Cod:

When the rice is almost ready, add the shredded cod and olives. Stir carefully so that the cod is incorporated into the rice without breaking up completely. Cook for a few more minutes until the rice absorbs the rest of the broth.


When the rice is ready (fluffy and moist), turn off the heat and top with chopped parsley and coriander.


Serve the codfish rice while still hot, garnished with lemon slices on the side and, if desired, more olives on top. A drizzle of olive oil finishes it off perfectly.

This dish is an explosion of flavors, with the succulent texture of the codfish, the aromatic touch of the olive oil and the lightness of the herbs. It brings a taste of tradition to the table, perfect for sharing with the family.
