Tuna Rice with Poached Eggs 😊😊

Tuna Rice with Poached Eggs 😊😊


1 onion

2 garlic cloves

1 bay leaf

1 carrot

2 bunch tomatoes

1 tablespoon tomato pulp

200g mixed mushrooms (I used frozen)

2 cans of tuna in olive oil

2 eggs

salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

olive oil q.s.

1 sprig of parsley

1 measure of rice

3 measures of boiling water


Peel and chop the onion and garlic and sautΓ© them in the oil drained from the tuna cans (I only used one and added a little more regular olive oil).

Add the bay leaf and when the onion is translucent add the carrot, peeled and cut into small pieces and the tomatoes also into pieces (I didn't clean the skins or seeds, but you can do so if you prefer).

Add the tomato pulp and mix well. Add the mushrooms, let the flavors harmonize and cover with boiling water. Season with salt and when it boils, add the rice, previously washed to lose its starch.

When the rice is almost cooked, add the crumbled tuna, mixing well. Sprinkle with the finely chopped parsley, break the eggs over the rice and season them with a little fine salt and freshly ground pepper. Let it poach and as soon as it turns off, serve immediately. 
