Chocolate pie πŸ˜‰


250 g vanilla chestnut cream
115 g of sugar
115 g of flour
5 eggs
90 g of butter
30 g powdered sugar
6 c. of water soup
1 c. of rum soup
6 candied chestnuts for decoration
125 ml of milk
230 g of Dark Chocolate 😊

Chocolate pie preparation Preheat the oven with the thermostat on position 7 (220°C). Prepare the dough: Slowly melt 50 g of butter. Separate the whites from the yolks. In a bowl, beat the yolks and sugar vigorously until you obtain a whitish mixture, with double the volume. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Gently add to the sugar/yolk mixture one third of the flour, the melted and cooled butter and then one third of the beaten egg whites. Finish by alternately adding the flour and egg whites. Place the dough on the buttered oven tray and bake for about 12 minutes. Immediately after leaving the oven, unmold the dough onto a damp cloth. Wrap the cloth and dough together. Let cool. In the meantime, prepare the pastry cream: mix the sugar, flour and egg and then, little by little, add the milk. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens. Let it cool and then add the chestnut cream. Melt chocolate in double boiler. Roll out the dough and soak it with the rum diluted in water. Cover it with the melted chocolate and then with a layer of pastry cream with chestnuts. Roll up the dough and then place in the fridge for at least 2 hours. 2 hours before serving your pie, melt the remaining chocolate in a bain-marie with the butter and water, then add the powdered sugar. Stir well to obtain a smooth mixture. Spread the frosting over the pie, wrapping it fully. Let cool before serving. Decorate with candied chestnuts.
