Chicken with brás vegetables 😋😊
40 g (1 unit) chopped onion
1 chopped garlic
100 g (1 unit) leek in thin slices
1 c. of soup oil
150 g leftover chicken (cooked), well shredded
qb pepper
3 eggs M
½ c. salt coffee
1 c. of semi-skimmed milk soup
100 g grated courgette
2 c. of chopped parsley soup
6 black olives
8 cherr tomato
In a frying pan, brown the onion, garlic clove and leek with olive oil. Add the chicken, season with pepper and mix well.
Beat the eggs with the salt and milk and pour the mixture over the chicken, stirring gently until it begins to curdle (do not overcook, to make the eggs creamy). Add the courgette and gently wrap it in the mixture.
Cook for 1 or 2 minutes, just to warm up, and leave the courgette crispy. Remove from heat, sprinkle with parsley and arrange the olives and cherry tomatoes.

